5 medicinal plants for your home garden

5 medicinal plants for your home garden

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Aloe Vera: Soothes burns, promotes skin healing, and aids digestion with its gel-like substance, rich in vitamins and minerals.

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Lavender: Calms nerves, aids sleep, and treats headaches; its fragrant flowers and leaves are used in teas and aromatherapy.

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Chamomile: Promotes relaxation, relieves stress, and aids sleep; its delicate flowers are brewed into calming teas and used in skin care.

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Echinacea: Boosts immune system, fights infections, and reduces inflammation; its flowers and roots are brewed into medicinal teas and tinctures.

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Peppermint: Eases digestion, relieves headaches, and freshens breath; its leaves make refreshing teas and natural insect repellents.

Image Source : Google

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