5 home remedies to get rid of hangover

5 home remedies to get rid of hangover

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Hydrate with Water and Electrolytes: Alcohol dehydrates your body, so drink plenty of water and electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water to restore balance.

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Eat a Hearty Breakfast: A meal with eggs, toast, and bananas can replenish lost nutrients and stabilize blood sugar, easing nausea and fatigue.

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Ginger Tea for Nausea: Ginger has natural anti-nausea properties. A cup of ginger tea can calm your stomach and reduce hangover-induced queasiness.

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Take Honey or Fruit Juice: Fructose in honey or fruit juice helps speed up alcohol metabolism, reducing hangover symptoms faster.

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Sleep It Off: Rest is crucial. Sleep allows your body to recover and helps alleviate symptoms like headaches and dizziness.

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