5 herbs that help whiten teeth

5 herbs that help whiten teeth

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Basil: Basil has natural teeth-whitening properties and can help remove surface stains. Chewing fresh basil leaves or using dried basil powder on your toothbrush can be beneficial.

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Sage: Sage is known for its astringent properties, which can help remove stains from teeth. Rubbing fresh sage leaves directly on teeth or using sage tea as a mouth rinse can aid in whitening.

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Turmeric: Despite its yellow color, turmeric has natural bleaching properties that can help whiten teeth. Mixing turmeric powder with coconut oil to form a paste and brushing with it can reduce stains.

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Neem: Neem has antibacterial properties that help maintain oral hygiene and reduce plaque buildup, which can lead to a brighter smile. Using neem twig as a toothbrush or neem powder in your toothpaste can help.

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Guava Leaves: Guava leaves are effective in maintaining oral hygiene and reducing stains. Chewing fresh guava leaves or using a mouth rinse made from boiled guava leaves can help whiten teeth.

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