5 gifts you should not give according to Vastu Shastra

5 gifts you should not give according to Vastu Shastra

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Sharp Objects: Presents like knives, scissors, or other sharp tools symbolize cutting ties or severing relationships, contrary to fostering harmony.

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Cactus or Thorny Plants: These plants are believed to bring negative energy into the recipient's home, disrupting peace and tranquillity.

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Wallets: Avoid gifting wallets, money bags, or satchels as they imply financial attachment and may transfer your positive financial energy to the recipient.

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Black Colored Items: Black is associated with negativity and signifies darkness, so gifting black-coloured items may invite pessimism or sorrow into the recipient's life.

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Clocks: Gifting clocks can suggest the limitation of time or impending deadlines, which may create unnecessary stress or anxiety.

Image Source : Freepik

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