5 foods most likely to cause food poisoning

5 foods most likely to cause food poisoning

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Raw or Undercooked Meat: Consuming raw or undercooked meat, such as beef, poultry, or pork, increases the risk of foodborne illnesses like salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter.

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Raw Eggs: Foods containing raw or undercooked eggs, such as homemade Caesar salad dressing or cookie dough, may contain salmonella bacteria, leading to food poisoning.

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Unpasteurised Dairy Products: Unpasteurised milk, cheese, and other dairy products may harbour harmful bacteria like listeria, E. coli, or salmonella, posing a risk of foodborne illness.

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Shellfish: Raw or undercooked shellfish, including oysters, clams, and mussels, can carry Vibrio bacteria, causing gastrointestinal issues or more severe infections in susceptible individuals.

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Precooked and Reheated Foods: Improperly reheated leftovers, especially those containing meat, poultry, or rice, can become a breeding ground for bacteria like Clostridium perfringens or Bacillus cereus, leading to food poisoning outbreaks.

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