5 feng shui items to keep at home for good luck

5 feng shui items to keep at home for good luck

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Money Tree: A symbol of prosperity, the money tree attracts wealth and abundance into your home, promoting financial stability and growth.

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Wind Chimes: Wind chimes disperse stagnant energy and invite positive chi into your home, promoting peace, harmony, and serenity.

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Crystal Tortoise: The crystal tortoise symbolises longevity, stability, and protection. Placing it in your home enhances good fortune, longevity, and overall well-being.

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Evil Eye Charm: The evil eye charm wards off negative energy and protects against jealousy and ill wishes. It promotes positivity, warding off harm and bringing good luck to the household.

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Laughing Buddha: Placing a Laughing Buddha statue in your home invites happiness, joy, and good fortune, spreading positive energy throughout.

Image Source : Google

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