5 famous tourist spots where photography is banned

5 famous tourist spots where photography is banned

Image Source : Freepik

Taj Mahal, India: Photography inside the main mausoleum is prohibited to preserve the sanctity and reduce wear and tear.

Image Source : Freepik

Eiffel Tower at Night, France: The light display is copyrighted, making nighttime photography illegal without prior permission.

Image Source : Freepik

The Alamo, USA: Photography inside is prohibited to maintain the solemnity and preserve the historical artefacts.

Image Source : Google

The Sistine Chapel, Vatican City: Photography is banned to protect the delicate frescoes and to respect the sacred nature of the chapel.

Image Source : Wikipedia

Uluru, Australia: Photography is restricted out of respect for the cultural significance and sacredness of the indigenous Anangu people.

Image Source : Google

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