5 face yoga exercises for smooth, wrinkle-free skin

5 face yoga exercises for smooth, wrinkle-free skin

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Forehead Smoother: To reduce forehead lines, place both hands on your forehead facing inwards and gently spread your fingers out between your eyebrows and hairline. Apply light pressure and slowly slide your fingers outward while raising your eyebrows, helping to smooth out the lines.

Image Source : Social

Cheek Lifter: Keep your cheeks firm and lifted by smiling as wide as possible, then place your fingers on the top part of your cheeks. Push down gently while trying to lift your cheeks up towards your eyes. This resistance helps tone the cheek muscles.

Image Source : Social

Eye Firmer: For reducing crow's feet, close your eyes tightly and place your fingers at the outer corners of your eyes. Pull the skin back gently while squinting. This exercise strengthens the muscles around the eyes and smoothens fine lines.

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Neck Tightener: To firm up the neck area, tilt your head back and press your tongue to the roof of your mouth. While keeping this position, smile and hold for five seconds. This technique helps tone the neck muscles and reduces sagging.

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Jawline Definer: For a sharper jawline, tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. Move your lower lip over your upper lip as far as possible, and hold this position for ten seconds. This exercise works to firm the jaw and reduce double chin.

Image Source : Social

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