5 fabrics that don’t need to be ironed

5 fabrics that don’t need to be ironed

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Denim: Denim is another fabric that typically doesn't require much ironing. Its sturdy and rugged nature allows it to maintain its shape and appearance without excessive wrinkling. However, if denim does wrinkle, a quick shake and smooth out usually suffice to restore its appearance

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Wool: Wool, though prone to wrinkles, can be treated to resist creasing. It's naturally resilient, with fibres that can spring back into shape, reducing the need for ironing.

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Polyester: Known for its wrinkle-resistant properties, polyester fabric retains its shape and smoothness, requiring minimal ironing.

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Lyocell: As a type of rayon, lyocell fabric boasts wrinkle-resistant qualities, remaining smooth and crease-free with minimal ironing needed.

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Rayon: With its natural drape and smooth finish, rayon fabric often requires minimal ironing to maintain its appearance.

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