5 essential nutrients vital for thyroid patients' diets

5 essential nutrients vital for thyroid patients' diets

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Iodine: Essential for thyroid hormone synthesis, iodine-rich foods include seafood, dairy, and iodized salt, ensuring proper thyroid function and metabolism.

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Selenium: Shields the thyroid from oxidative stress, promoting hormone balance; Brazil nuts, fish, and poultry serve as excellent selenium sources.

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Zinc: Facilitates thyroid hormone production and activity; meat, shellfish, nuts, and seeds provide ample zinc for optimal thyroid function.

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Iron: Vital for thyroid hormone synthesis, iron-rich foods like lean meats, beans, and fortified cereals maintain thyroid health and metabolic regulation.

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Vitamin D: Regulates immune responses, potentially alleviating inflammation in autoimmune thyroid conditions; obtained from sunlight, fortified foods, or supplements for thyroid support.

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