The Metamorphosis: Gregor Samsa wakes up transformed into a giant insect, exploring alienation, identity, and familial dynamics.
Image Source : SocialThe Trial: Josef K. is arrested and prosecuted by an opaque authority, delving into existential dread and bureaucratic absurdity.
Image Source : SocialThe Castle: K. seeks access to a mysterious castle, grappling with themes of authority, alienation, and the futile pursuit of recognition
Image Source : SocialAmerika (The Man Who Disappeared): Karl Rossmann's journey in America highlights Kafkaesque themes of displacement, loss of innocence, and societal alienation.
Image Source : SocialLetters to Milena: Kafka's intimate correspondence with Milena Jesenská reflects his inner turmoil, passion, and existential reflections on love and art.
Image Source : SocialNext : 5 vital vitamins for eye health and foods rich in them