5 effective lung exercises to maintain good respiratory health

5 effective lung exercises to maintain good respiratory health

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Alternate Nostril Breathing: Balance breath by inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other; reduces stress and enhances respiratory function.

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Deep Breathing: Inhale deeply using your diaphragm, expanding your lungs fully to enhance respiratory capacity and strength

Image Source : Freepik

Rib Stretch Exercises: Stretching ribs through side bends or rotations improves lung flexibility and enhances overall respiratory capacity.

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Pursed-Lip Breathing: Inhale, then exhale through pursed lips, promoting prolonged exhalation and improving breathing efficiency and control.

Image Source : Google

Diaphragmatic Breathing: Deep breaths, engaging the diaphragm; boosts oxygen exchange efficiency and strengthen respiratory muscles.

Image Source : Google

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