5 easy ways to store Makhana for long-lasting crunch

5 easy ways to store Makhana for long-lasting crunch

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Airtight Containers: Keep makhanas in an airtight container to protect them from moisture and air, preserving their crunchiness.

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Cool, Dry Place: Store the container in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Excessive heat and light can make them lose their crunch.

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Vacuum Sealing: For extra freshness, use a vacuum sealer to remove all air from the container, keeping your makhanas crispy.

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Silica Gel Packs: Place a few silica gel packs in the container to absorb any moisture and prevent sogginess.

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Refrigeration: If you live in a humid climate, consider refrigerating your makhanas. Just make sure they're sealed tightly to avoid absorbing other odors.

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