5 easy ways to make Imli Chutney at home

5 easy ways to make Imli Chutney at home

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Soak tamarind in warm water for 30 minutes, then mash and strain it. Add sugar, salt, and a pinch of cumin powder, and simmer until thickened.

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Combine tamarind pulp with jaggery, roasted cumin powder, and red chili powder. Cook until the jaggery melts and the chutney reaches a thick consistency.

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Blend tamarind pulp with fresh mint leaves, a bit of sugar, salt, and roasted cumin powder. This adds a refreshing twist to the traditional flavour.

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Mix tamarind pulp with grated ginger, sugar, salt, and a touch of black pepper. Simmer until it thickens and the flavors meld together.

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Blend tamarind with chopped dates, a bit of salt, and cumin powder. Cook until the dates are soft and the chutney achieves a sweet-tangy taste.

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