5 easy steps to make Panchamrit at home for Janmashtami 2024

5 easy steps to make Panchamrit at home for Janmashtami 2024

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Gather Ingredients: You'll need equal parts of milk, curd (yogurt), honey, ghee (clarified butter), and sugar. Optionally, include a few drops of rose water for added fragrance.

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Combine Dairy: In a mixing bowl, combine the milk and curd. Stir well until they are smoothly blended.

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Add Sweeteners: Mix in honey and sugar. Adjust the quantities to taste, ensuring that the sweetness balances with the dairy mix.

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Incorporate Ghee: Gently fold in the ghee to the mixture. This adds richness and flavor to your Panchamrit.

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Optional Touch: Add a few drops of rose water if desired, and mix well. Chill the Panchamrit in the refrigerator before serving.

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