5 easy steps to make high-protein Sprouts Chaat

5 easy steps to make high-protein Sprouts Chaat

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Soak the Sprouts: Take a cup of mixed sprouts (like moong and chickpeas), and soak them in water overnight. Drain and rinse well.

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Steam the Sprouts: Lightly steam the soaked sprouts for 5-7 minutes to make them tender while retaining their crunch.

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Chop Veggies: Finely chop onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, and green chilies. These will add flavor and texture to your chaat.

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Mix Ingredients: In a large bowl, combine the steamed sprouts with the chopped veggies. Add a pinch of salt, chaat masala, and a squeeze of lemon juice.

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Garnish & Serve: Garnish with fresh coriander leaves and a sprinkle of roasted peanuts for extra crunch. Serve immediately for a nutritious and tasty snack!

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