5 easy steps to grow Avocado plant at home

5 easy steps to grow Avocado plant at home

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Remove the Pit: Gently take the pit out of a ripe avocado, rinse it, and dry it.

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Insert Toothpicks: Stick three or four toothpicks around the pit's middle, allowing it to rest on a glass of water, half-submerged.

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Place in Sunlight: Keep the glass in a sunny spot. Change the water every 1-2 days. In 4-6 weeks, roots will sprout.

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Transfer to Soil: Once the stem reaches 6 inches, cut it back to 3 inches and plant the pit in well-draining soil, leaving the top exposed.

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Water and Care: Water regularly and keep the plant in indirect sunlight. Watch your avocado grow!

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