5 easy hacks to avoid leakage in pressure cooker

5 easy hacks to avoid leakage in pressure cooker

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Check the Sealing Ring: Regularly inspect the rubber or silicone sealing ring for any cracks or wear. Replace it if it's worn out to ensure a tight seal.

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Clean the Vent Tube: Ensure the vent tube is free of food particles or debris that could block it. Use a small brush or toothpick to clean it after each use.

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Properly Align the Lid: Make sure the lid is correctly aligned with the cooker base. A misaligned lid can prevent proper sealing, leading to leaks.

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Avoid Overfilling: Do not fill the pressure cooker more than two-thirds full. Overfilling can cause food to block the safety valve or vent tube, leading to leaks.

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Use Enough Liquid: Always use the recommended amount of liquid for your recipe. Too little liquid can cause excessive pressure buildup and force the steam to escape from the sides.

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