5 DIY Korean hair sprays for fast hair growth

5 DIY Korean hair sprays for fast hair growth

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Rice Water Spray: Rich in amino acids and vitamins, rice water nourishes the scalp and strengthens hair, promoting growth. Simply soak rice in water for 24 hours, strain, and spray it onto your scalp.

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Green Tea & Mint Spray: Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, while mint cools and soothes the scalp. Brew a mix of both, let it cool, and spray to stimulate hair follicles.

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Ginseng Root Spray: Known for its anti-hair loss properties, ginseng boosts circulation. Boil ginseng root in water, strain, and use it as a spray for stronger, healthier hair.

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Aloe Vera & Rosemary Spray: Aloe vera soothes, while rosemary increases circulation. Blend aloe vera gel with rosemary-infused water to create a refreshing growth spray.

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Onion & Honey Spray: Onions are packed with sulfur, which promotes collagen production. Blend onion juice with water and a bit of honey, and spray on the scalp to boost hair growth.

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