5 DIY hacks to keep your whites shoes clean during rainy season

5 DIY hacks to keep your whites shoes clean during rainy season

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Waterproof Spray: Apply a waterproof spray to your white shoes before stepping out. This creates a barrier that repels water and dirt, keeping your shoes dry and clean.

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Baby Powder: Dust your shoes with baby powder before wearing them. The powder helps absorb moisture and prevents mud from sticking, making it easier to clean your shoes later.

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Toothbrush: Carry an old toothbrush in your bag. If your shoes get dirty, use it to scrub away mud or stains on the go.

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Vinegar and Baking Soda Paste: Mix vinegar and baking soda to create a paste. Apply it to stains on your shoes, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean for a quick refresh.

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Wet Wipes: Wet wipes are a quick fix for any dirt or stains that appear while you're out. Wipe your shoes immediately to prevent stains from setting in.

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