5 bizarre foods eaten in India

5 bizarre foods eaten in India

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Red Ant Chutney: A distinctive chutney in Chhattisgarh, is cherished by local tribals for its uniqueness, making it a highly desired dish.

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Onion Halwa: A peculiar but renowned halwa involves sautéing onions in butter or ghee, then simmering with milk and sugar on low heat.

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Eri Polu: An Assamese delicacy, using silkworm pupa leftovers, softened by boiling, mixed with local spices and bamboo shoots—a regional treat.

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Baby Shark Curry: Goan Baby Shark Curry, once a rare delicacy, is now a trending non-veg dish gaining popularity.

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Frog legs: A delicacy in some cuisines. Typically cooked with garlic, parsley, and butter for a unique flavour. Banned in some parts of the country because of the Wildlife Protection Act.

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