Eating star fruit provides vitamin C to the body which increases immunity. When immunity in the body increases, white blood cells start being produced properly. You fall sick less often.
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Star fruit, also known as Kamrakh, has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it special due to its high antioxidant content. Eating Kamrakh helps in reducing inflammation of psoriasis and mucus.
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Star fruit contains a good amount of sodium and potassium which keeps blood pressure under control. This fruit acts like an electrolytes in the body. This keeps blood circulation and heartbeat normal.
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Star fruit is rich in fibre. This fruit has very low calories. Eating it speeds up metabolism, which makes it easier to lose weight. Constipation and stomach problems can also be cured by it.
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Eating star fruit removes the toxins present in the body. It helps in cleaning the blood and detoxifying the body. Due to the high amount of antioxidants in Kamrakh, it is also called an anti-cancer fruit.
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