5 bathtime must-haves for an ultra-relaxing soak

5 bathtime must-haves for an ultra-relaxing soak

Image Source : Freepik

Epsom salts: Relieves muscle tension, reduces stress, and promotes relaxation through magnesium absorption, enhancing the overall bath experience.

Image Source : Google

Essential oils: Adds aromatherapy benefits, improves mood, and soothes skin with natural scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or chamomile.

Image Source : Freepik

Bath bombs: Provides a colourful, fragrant, and effervescent experience, infusing water with beneficial oils and moisturizing ingredients.

Image Source : Google

Body scrubs: Exfoliates dead skin cells, improves circulation, and leaves skin feeling smooth and refreshed with natural ingredients like sugar or sea salt.

Image Source : Google

Soft music: Enhances relaxation by providing calming background sounds, helping to drown out distractions and promote a peaceful mindset.

Image Source : Shutterstock

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