10 countries with strongest passports

10 countries with strongest passports

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Retaining its top spot, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Spain (194 destinations).

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Holding strong at second place, Finland, South Korea, and Sweden (193 destinations).

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Austria, Denmark, Ireland, and the Netherlands (192 destinations) are in the top three.

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In fourth position, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom (191 destinations).

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Continuing its tradition of high mobility, Greece, Malta, and Switzerland (190 destinations) are in fifth place.

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Climbing up the ranks, on sixth we have Australia, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Poland (189 destinations).

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Holding steady, Canada, Hungary, United States (188 destinations) are in seventh position.

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Similarly, on eight there is Estonia, Lithuania (187 destinations)

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Retaining their position, Latvia, Slovakia, and Slovenia (186 destinations) are in ninth place.

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Rounding up the top 10 is Iceland (185 destinations)

Image Source : Google

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