What is dementia? Know its early signs and symptoms

What is dementia? Know its early signs and symptoms

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Dementia is a general term that represents a group of diseases and illnesses that affect your thinking, memory, reasoning, personality, mood and behavior.

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Signs and symptoms include Memory loss, Difficulty handling complex tasks, Difficulty communicating or finding words

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Personality changes, Depression, Anxiety, Inappropriate behavior

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Causes of dementia include Vascular dementia, Mixed dementia, Dementia due to Parkinson’s disease

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Dementia is considered a late-life disease because it tends to develop mostly in people who are older

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There are many causes of memory loss. Memory loss alone doesn’t necessarily confirm a diagnosis of dementia.

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(Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Please consult a doctor before starting any fitness regime or medical advice.)

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