People are often confused between a heart attack and a cardiac arrest. Both are serious medical emergencies.
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In today's times, the cases of heart attack and cardiac arrest have increased in younger age groups, and there is a lot of confusion around this.
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This story has been brought to light after BJP leader Shahnawaz Hussain suffered a heart attack recently.
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Let us understand three major differences between the two.
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A heart attack is occured when one of the coronary arteries (blood vessel) becomes blocked. It is caused due to lack of oxygen supply or death of heart cells.
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A cardiac arrest is occured when a person's heart stop pumping blood and oxygen in the body.
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A heart attack can cause cardiac arrest, but not all cardiac arrests are caused by heart attacks.
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Warning signs of cardiac arrest which are not signs of a heart attack include sudden loss of consciousness, no breathing and lack of pulse.
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Warning signs of heart attack, which are not present in case of cardiac arrest include massive pain, faint, neck discomfort.
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