What happens if you have vitamin C deficiency? How can you detect that your vitamin C level is low?

What happens if you have vitamin C deficiency? How can you detect that your vitamin C level is low?

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There are many symptoms and warning signs on your body and skin that indicate vitamin C deficiency

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Initial symptoms include irritability and anorexia.

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Inadequate intake of vitamin C leads to fatigue, depression, and connective tissue defects.

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It causes bumpy skin, rash, internal bleeding and impaired wound healing.

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The deficiency of Vitamin C in infants and children can lead to impaired bone growth.

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Severe vitamin C deficiency causes scurvy which results in bleeding gums and red or blue spots on the skin.

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Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of vitamin C. You should eat oranges, kiwi, lemon, grapefruit and others.

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Bell peppers, strawberries, tomatoes and white potatoes are also good sources of Vitamin C.

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If you want to check the vitamin C level in your body, a blood test is required for the same.

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