Suffering from hypertension? Symptoms that will help you identify high blood pressure

Suffering from hypertension? Symptoms that will help you identify high blood pressure

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Hearts beat with a rhythm, and if yours is unrhythmic, then there is a possibility that you have hypertension

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When the blood pressure rises, there is a stinging buzzing in the ears

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When blood pressure rises, you will instantly start having difficulty breathing

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Hypertension often causes nosebleeds. If you have them, get your blood pressure checked

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Chest pains are very dangerous symptoms of hypertension

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Anxiety can cause elevated levels of blood pressure or hypertension

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Vomiting causes the blood pressure to fluctuate, and incline toward the higher side

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Frequent dizziness is a prominent symptom of Hypertension

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If you are having regular severe headaches, there are chances you have a high blood pressure

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