Love fibrous foods? See how it helps in digestion

Love fibrous foods? See how it helps in digestion

Image Source : FREEPIK

The amount of fiber in one small potato with skin is upto 3 grams

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Carrots being root vegetables are among the finest sources of fiber

Image Source : FREEPIK

Green peas are excellent for your intestines since they are high in dietary fiber, vitamin A, and K

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Tomatoes are one of the best sources of insoluble fiber

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Although berries are known for their antioxidants, they are also high in fiber

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When consumed in its natural state, popcorn can sate cravings and meet fiber requirements

Image Source : FREEPIK

Not only are nuts a wonderful source of protein, but more than 3 grams of fiber are also present in each serving

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Apple will increase your intake of fiber more than any other fruit

Image Source : FREEPIK

Broccoli has 5 grams of fiber per cup, which assists the bacteria in your gut to remain balanced and healthy

Image Source : FREEPIK

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