Never eat these fruits empty stomach | Banana to Orange

Never eat these fruits empty stomach | Banana to Orange

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Mango is rich in fiber and can cause digestive issues when consumed on an empty stomach

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Grapes are high in sugar and can cause digestive issues

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Consuming citrus fruits like oranges and limes can make you ill.

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It is not right to eat pineapple on an empty stomach as it contains a good amount of fructose

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Banana increases the amount of potassium in your stomach.

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Melons should not be eaten on an empty stomach as they can cause a spike in insulin.

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High in fiber, Guava can cause digestive issues when eaten on empty stomach

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Eating Kiwi on an empty stomach can increase heartburn and acidity

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Papaya on an empty stomach can cause irritation and even damage the lining of the stomach.

Image Source : Freepik

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