Love mangoes? Eating excess can cause these harmful side-effects

Love mangoes? Eating excess can cause these harmful side-effects

Image Source : FREEPIK

Mangoes contain high levels of natural sugars, therefore they may spike blood sugar levels

Image Source : FREEPIK

Mangoes may trigger latex allergy, which irritates the corners of the mouth, lips, and tip of the tongue

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Mangoes are high in natural calories and sugars, hence having excess may cause weight gain

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Excess of mango consumption may cause stomach pains

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People allergic to mangoes may develop dermatitis

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Certain mango species cause a runny nose and excess sneezing

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Mangoes are low in fiber, which is not a favourable condition for the digestive system

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Excess of mangoes causes indigestion

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Several mango species trigger throat pain in people

Image Source : FREEPIK

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