6 factors of high cholesterol that indicate you are at risk

6 factors of high cholesterol that indicate you are at risk

Image Source : Twitter/@IllinoisHR

Inactivity: A person who doesn’t exercise is at more risk than a person who works out because exercise boosts good cholesterol.

Image Source : Twitter/@Movietonite_Ind

Poor eating habits: Oily food containing fats or trans fat can elevate the cholesterol level of a person. For example, chips, snacks, full-fat dairy products etc.

Image Source : Instagram/ @c0ke_fa1ry_

Obesity: According to experts, a person with more than 30 body mass index is more at risk of high cholesterol.

Image Source : Twitter/@NMCHealthcare

Age: Usually a person more than 40 years faces the problem of high cholesterol, but now even children have started facing this.

Image Source : Twitter/@ACMilanSydney

Smoking: The habit of smoking cigarettes, hookah, etc, is a red flag as it lowers good cholesterol.

Image Source : Twitter/@elioandoliverse

Other health problems: If you are diabetic or suffering from hypothyroidism, you are at great risk of high cholesterol problems.

Image Source : Twitter/@ElgieSims

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