A Beautiful Mind to Bohemian Rhapsody: Hollywood Biopics that should be on every cinephile's list

A Beautiful Mind to Bohemian Rhapsody: Hollywood Biopics that should be on every cinephile's list

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Whilst on a mission to transform the mainstream rock and roll culture of the USA, singer Elvis Presley used his fame to highlight racism within the country.

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Jordan Belfort is a Long Island penny stockbroker who serves almost two years in prison for refusing to cooperate in a huge 1990s securities fraud.

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Freddie Mercury and his rock band, Queen, achieve superstardom. However, amidst his skyrocketing success, he grapples with his ego, sexuality and a fatal illness.

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Seven-year-old Ray goes blind after his brother's tragic death. His mother inspires him to rise above his impairment and make a place for himself, while a piano gives a new direction to his life.

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John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematical genius, finds his life changing for the worse after he accepts an assignment from William Parcher.

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Austrian farmer Franz Jägerstätter faces the threat of execution for refusing to fight for the Nazis during World War II.

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In Hinkley, California, a legal assistant discovers a major company's dark secret that affects the health of the residents. With the help of her employer, she sets off to seek justice.

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Abraham Lincoln used his powers as the president of the United States of America as he strived to abolish slavery and reunite his country during the Civil War.

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