7 mind-blowing facts about Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman | Birthday Special

7 mind-blowing facts about Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman | Birthday Special

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The veteran actor is celebrating his 87th birthday today, June 1, 2024.

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African Americal Lives, a television show, revealed that Morgan Freeman's great-great-grandparents were slaves who migrated to Mississippi.

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In his six-decade-long film career, he won just one Academy Award and that too in 2004 for the film, Million Dollar Baby.

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Morgan Freeman is an atheist-agnostic. In an interview, he said that humans invented God and that ''if I believe in God, and I do, it's because I think I'm God.''

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He converted his ranch into a massive beekeeping project citing a decline in honeybee population.

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In his popular film, The Shawshank Redemption, the man who is in the mugshot of a younger Reddington is in real Morgan's son.

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Morgan Freeman has criticised Black History Month, and termed it 'ridiculous'.

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He has also acted in several television and web shows. He is currently seen in Special Ops: Lioness.

Image Source : IMDb

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