An Autobiography or The Story of My Experiments with Truth: In this book, he shares his experiences with truth and elaborates on his actions in this book.
Image Source : GoogleHind Swaraj or Indian Rule is one of the best books written by Gandhiji. This book was written to inspire people to fight against the British for Independence.
Image Source : GoogleThe Bhagavad Gita: Gandhiji was greatly influenced by Bhagavad Gita as it transformed his life and defined his character.
Image Source : GoogleTruth is God: This book discusses the beliefs and actions of an educated man, focusing on his thoughts about God and Truth.
Image Source : GoogleDiet and Diet Reform: This book discusses Gandhi's dietary experiments.
Image Source : GoogleSatyagraha in South Africa: Gandhiji wrote in detail about his Satyagraha experiences in South Africa.
Image Source : GoogleGokhale: My Political Guru: Gandhiji considered Gokhale his political guru and a true servant of India.
Image Source : GoogleAshram Observances in Action: In this book, Gandhiji gives a crystal clear explanation of Ashram’s observances.
Image Source : GoogleThe Law and The Lawyers: Mahatma Gandhi wrote about education and morality in this book.
Image Source : GoogleNext : Famous books written on Mahatma Gandhi one should read