From "Chai" to "Chutney"

From "Chai" to "Chutney"

Image Source : India TV

Oxford Dictionary has a history of incorporating words and phrases from regional languages

Image Source : India TV

These unique Hindi words and expressions found their way into the Oxford Dictionary.

Image Source : India TV

Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A type of Indian tea made by boiling tea leaves with milk, sugar, and spices.

Image Source : Wikimedia Commons

Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A flexible approach to problem-solving that uses limited resources in an innovative way.

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Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A respectful greeting or farewell with the palms pressed together and fingers pointing upwards

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Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A spiritual teacher or guide from India, often a Hindu or Sikh.

Image Source : Wikimedia Commmons

Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A thin, crisp Indian bread made from lentil flour and often served as an appetizer.

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Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A brother or a close male friend

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Oxford Dictionary Meaning: A spicy condiment made from fruit, herbs, and spices.

Image Source : Wikimedia Commons

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