What is your zodiac sign's biggest weakness in a relationship? Know from astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji

What is your zodiac sign's biggest weakness in a relationship? Know from astrologer Pandit Jagannath Guruji

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Aries often try to be dominant and they end up being too controlling at times.

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Taurus' intention is not to hurt their partner's feelings but the truth they end up holding back their pain and this brews into a lot of poison.

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Gemini runs away the moment there is some problem in their relationship, which means they hardly stick to one for long.

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Cancer have a tendency to get so much into a relationship that they lose themselves, and their individuality. Their world starts revolving around one person.

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Leo is drama, whether male or female, and they are well aware of this. In the whole process, they forget that they are overshadowing their own partner.

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Virgo has an annoying habit of trying to fix people all the time. They breathe into their partner's space.

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Libra play hot and cold when least expected, and this confuses their partner.

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Scorpios are so intense. They go all out and can even make their love interest run away. Their way is the high way can be an issue.

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Sagittarius think everything is nice in this world. Their habit of brushing everything under the carpet cannot be an answer.

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With Capricorn, the biggest issue is that they take very long to trust when it comes down to their relationship.

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Aquarius do not like the conventional way of a relationship. Their me-time is important but they tend to overdo it.

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When Pisces are in love everything becomes beautiful for them and they forget to set boundaries and sacrifice too much.

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