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  4. Muqabla | When will the Violence against 'Agneepath' stop? Protest Against Agneepath Scheme
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Muqabla | When will the Violence against 'Agneepath' stop? Protest Against Agneepath Scheme

Demonstrations are going on in 13 states against Agneepath scheme. The most violent pictures are coming from Bihar and UP. In today's competition, we will also ask the question, who is the contractor of nonstop outcry? What role are the political parties who are openly supporting the protesters playing?#MuqablaDebate #DebateShow #IndiaTVDebate #Trainburn #agnipathschemeprotest #agnipathscheme #biharprotest #PatnaProtest #armyrecruitment #indiatv #hindi #agniveer #indianarmy #navy #Agnipatyojna #rajnathsingh #modi #BJPScheme #GRP #indianrailways #agnivir #stonepelting #modischeme2022
