Home remedies for constipation and piles by Swami Ramdev

Eliminate the problem of constipation, acidity with Swami Ramdev's yoga tips

Yogasana for Constipation by Swami Ramdev

Can Bhastrika and Kapalbhati cause constipation? Swami Ramdev answers

Swami Ramdev suggests effective eating habits for good digestion

To get rid of constipation, do tadasana and chakrasana: Swami Ramdev

Yogasanas to treat depression by Swami Ramdev

How to avoid depression, know its permanent treatment from Swami Ramdev

Get rid of depression with Swami Ramdev efective yoga tips

Do dand baithak and surya namaskar daily to treat depression: Swami Ramdev

Mood swings, loneliness are the early symptoms of depression, says Swami Ramdev

Do pranayamas regularly to get rid of all types of stress

Yoga for Cervical and Vertigo | Swami Ramdev shares yoga asanas

Pranayamas effective in keeping the spinal cord strong

Do these yogasanas daily to keep the spine strong, learn more benefits from Swami Ramdev

Suffering from cervical problems? Know the best yoga asanas to treat it from Swami Ramdev

Treat hypertensionn with Swami Ramdev's effective yoga tips

High Blood pressure is often accompanied by vertigo, know yoga asanas from Swami Ramdev

Get rid of hypertension with Swami Ramdev's effective yoga asanas

Do yoga asanas like tadasana daily to control high BP, says Swami Ramdev

This semi-organic farm is making Manipur self-reliant for vegetable needs

Treat sinus and migraine with Swami Ramdev's yoga asanas

Know home remedies to get rid of any kind of allergies from Swami Ramdev

Know pranayamas effective in eradicating allergies from Swami Ramdev

Yoga asanas to get rid of allergies

Know the causes and symptoms of having allergy from Swami Ramdev

September 6: Acharya Indu Prakash reveals auspicious time to start business