A female shopkeeper has accused a local councillor and his brother of assault, abuse, and robbery in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad district. Following the woman's complaint, the police have registered a case against the accused under serious charges, including robbery and molestation, and have initiated an investigation. The incident occurred in the Mohannagar area of Sahibabad, where the woman, named Sita, lives with her husband and two sons. The couple works as security guards in a closed factory and also runs a tea shop outside the factory.
Councillor accused of extortion and assault
It is alleged that Sudhir Kumar, the councillor of the area, demands Rs 6,000 per month in exchange for allowing the shop to operate. On Sunday night, the councillor, accompanied by his two brothers, arrived at the shop and took goods from it. When the couple asked for payment for the goods, the councillor became enraged, began abusing them, and threatened to remove the shop. The woman claims that when she protested, the councillor misbehaved with her and even beat her. She further alleges that the councillor's brother snatched gold ornaments from her ears and nose and looted Rs 3,000.
FIR registered against councillor
On Monday night, following the woman's complaint, the police registered a case against councillor Sudhir, his brother Sandeep, and an unknown person. CCTV footage of the incident, which shows the accused assaulting the woman and her husband and vandalizing the roadside shop by throwing goods, has been circulating on social media.
What did the police say?
ACP Sahibabad Rajneesh Upadhyay stated that a case has been registered based on the woman's complaint and that action will be taken following the investigation. Meanwhile, upon learning about the case being filed against the councillor, his supporters gathered at the police station late at night to oppose the filing. A heated argument ensued between the councillor's supporters and the police, but the situation was eventually defused after the police assured them of a fair investigation.
(Inputs: Zuber Akhtar)