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  4. Uttar Pradesh: 15 dead in last two days in Ghaziabad's District Hospital, heatwave likely reason

Uttar Pradesh: 15 dead in last two days in Ghaziabad's District Hospital, heatwave likely reason

Several parts of North India are reeling under a severe heatwave. Uttar Pradesh continued to be in the grip of heatwave conditions with the maximum temperature remaining above 40 degrees Celsius at most places in the state.

Edited By: Anurag Roushan @Candid_Tilaiyan Ghaziabad Updated on: June 19, 2024 16:23 IST
15 dead in last two days in Ghaziabad's District Hospital
Image Source : FILE Ghaziabad District Hospital

As many as 15 people died in the last two days in Ghazibad's Government Hospital in Uttar Pradesh. The scorching heatwave is said to be the cause of these deaths. In the last three days, a total of 40 people have died in the MMG District Hospital in Ghaziabad. A committee of three doctors has been formed to look into the matter and ascertain the exact cause of these deaths. 

On June 17, a troubling situation emerged as the hospital reported multiple fatalities. On that day alone, 10 people were brought to the hospital who were already dead. The following day, June 18, saw an additional 9 people arriving in a similar condition, and the grim trend continued with 6 more deaths recorded on June 19.

Uttar Pradesh continued to be in the grip of heatwave conditions with the maximum temperature remaining above 40 degrees Celsius at most places in the state. According to its forecast, there is no possibility of relief from the scorching heat anytime soon.

June rainfall 20 per cent below average: IMD

Meanwhile, India has received 20 per cent less rainfall since the start of the monsoon period on June 1, with the rain-bearing system making no significant progress between June 12 and 18, according to the India Meteorological Department (IMD). However, conditions are now favourable for further advancement of the monsoon into parts of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, coastal Andhra Pradesh, northwest Bay of Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand over the next three to four days, the weather department said. India received 64.5 mm of rainfall between June 1 and 18 which is 20 per cent less than the long-period average (LPA) of 80.6 mm, it said.

ALSO READ: Noida: 7 people found dead with no signs of injury, heatwave suspected


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