In a major reshuffle, eight IPS officers have been transferred by the Uttar Pradesh government. According to the information, Kushinagar SP Dhawal Jaiswal has been posted in place of Fatehpur SP Uday Shankar Singh. The 2012 batch IPS Santosh Kumar Mishra has been made the SP of Kushinagar. While IPS Ajay Kumar from Commandant 38th Battalion PAC Aligarh has been given the responsibility of Commandant 32nd Battalion PAC in Lucknow, SP Abhishek Yadav posted in Intelligence Headquarters has been posted as Superintendent of Police Railway in Prayagraj. Fatehpur SP Uday Shankar Singh has been posted as Superintendent of Police (Training and Security) in Lucknow.
Deputy Commissioner of Police Shubham Patel posted in Ghaziabad Police Commissionerate has been transferred to Intelligence Headquarters Lucknow. Shraddha Narendra Pandey has been made Commandant in 38th Battalion PMC Aligarh. Vivek Chandra Yadav has been sent as Additional Commissioner of Police. Police Commissionerate Prayagraj.
Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday informed the Assembly that his government is very serious about the law and order situation in the sate. "This government is very serious towards women safety. As soon as this government was formed, we created Anti-Romeo squads... When we created the Anti-Romeo squads, the first to oppose it was the Samajwadi Party. In most cases of crime against women, people related to the Samajwadi Party are related somehow... They represent that generation that said 'ladke hain, galati kar dete hain'... How can they speak on women safety, Samajwadi Party itself is a danger to women safety... The government is alert, and determined to provide safety to every daughter and trader..," the CM said.