In a major success, the Uttar Pradesh Police nabbed the accused who shot at Circle Officer Anuj Chaudhary during the Sambhal violence. He has been arrested from Delhi's Seelampur. The police said that soon after the violence on November 23, the accused identified as Salim fled to Delhi.
According to the information, Salim was trying to surrender in front of the court in Sambhal but the police arrested him before that. The police have also recovered a 12-bore pistol, five live cartridges and one used cartridge. As per the police, he looted five such pistols from the police during the violence. So far investigations reveal that Salim is a history-sheeter. With his arrest, the police have arrested 51 accused in the Sambhal violence case.
According to an earlier statement by police, 138 accused were to be arrested. Out of which 51 have been arrested so far. Violence in Sambhal erupted during the second survey of the Shahi Jama Masjid on November 24, following a court-ordered investigation into claims that a temple once stood at the site. The clash between protesters and police resulted in four casualties, with numerous others injured, including 29 police officers.
Earlier, on November 19, a survey of the mosque was conducted after a petition was filed by Supreme Court lawyer Vishnu Shankar Jain, asserting that the area once housed a temple.
(Reported by: Rohit)