People in a long queue were seen at the ancient Lord Shiva temple in Uttar Pradesh Sambhal on Sunday, which was discovered during an anti-encroachment drive in the city following violence a few days ago. On Sunday morning, the temple is resonating with bells and shlokas. Locals appreciate this initiative of the administration. This temple is found in the Mohalla Khaggu Sarai locality of the Nakhasa police station area of Sambhal district.
The Sambhal administration on Friday reopened the temple locked since 1978. The locals and police administration began worshipping the lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman idols housed in the Bhasma Shankar temple. Today, the priests also organised Rudrabhishek in the temple.
Why was the temple closed?
As per the locals, the temple had remained locked since 1978 after the communal riots that led to the displacement of the local Hindu community.
Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Vandana Mishra, who was leading a campaign against electricity theft in the area, said, “While inspecting the region, we stumbled upon this temple. Upon noticing it, I immediately informed the district authorities. We all came here together and decided to reopen the temple.”
The encroachment wall that was built around the temple has been removed and upon complete cleaning, the temple is clearly visible.
Additional SP Shrish Chandra said, "During checking it was found that some people had encroached upon the temple by constructing houses. The temple has been cleaned and action will be taken against those who encroached upon the temple. There are idols of Lord Shiva and Lord Hanuman in the temple. Hindu families used to live in this area and due to some reasons, they left the area...There is information about an ancient well also near the temple..."
The administration is also working to install CCTVs in the temple for security reasons. Sambhal Circle Officer (SO) Anuj Kumar Chaudhary said, "We had received information that a temple in the area was being encroached upon. When we inspected the spot, we found a temple there."
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