A Samajwadi Party delegation visited Uttar Pradesh's Sambhal on Monday for the first time after the violence. The delegation included Sambhal MP Ziaur Rehman Barq and other leaders. During the visit, the delegation met the families of those who were killed in the violence and provided financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh to each of them.
During the visit, Barq said that the incident in Sambhal was going to set peace on fire. He said, "Our people were killed and a case was filed against us." He further added, "The entire country is ashamed of the incident that happened in Sambhal… It is a reality that Sambhal is a peaceful place and for over 39 years there have been no differences between Hindus and Muslims here... We are raising this issue everywhere... The only regret is that our people were killed and the blame for it was also put on our people... We have complete faith in our Constitution and in court. We are sure that even if the police and government do not do justice the court will be fair to us."