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  4. Scary viral video shows what happened during Titanic sub's implosion. Watch

Scary viral video shows what happened during Titanic sub's implosion. Watch

Chilling viral videos recreate the catastrophic implosion of the Titan submersible, revealing the terrifying reality of its tragic fate.

Written By: Kritika Bansal New Delhi Published on: June 23, 2023 13:46 IST
Titanic sub's implosion
Image Source : TWITTER Titanic sub's implosion

Trending News: Terrifying videos have gone viral, providing a bone-chilling visual representation of the "catastrophic implosion" of the Titan submersible. These clips, originally shared on TikTok, reenact the tragic scenario that claimed the lives of five passengers in the treacherous depths of the North Atlantic.

In these animations, implosions occur with shocking speed. One video, shared by a Twitter user portrays a military-like vessel suddenly flattening and folding like a taco-shaped piece of metal before tearing apart. All that remains are air bubbles and scattered debris. The narrator emphasizes the instantaneous nature of the death that could occur on board during such an implosion. The caption highlights that the hull's collapse would cause the air inside the submersible to heat up to the temperature of the sun's surface within milliseconds.

Watch the viral video here: 

On June 22, the US Coast Guard announced that the implosion had instantly claimed the lives of all five passengers as they descended to the dark depths of the sea to explore the century-old remains of the Titanic. Debris discovered on the ocean floor, around 12,500 feet below the surface, indicated a catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber, likely due to the crushing weight of the ocean after the Titan lost contact with its surface vessel.

An unmanned undersea probe discovered significant pieces of wreckage approximately 1,600 feet away from the RMS Titanic. However, the ship's hull still remains missing, and it is unclear what caused the implosion. Authorities have not mentioned any plans for recovering the bodies of the passengers who were lost. 

The tragic victims include British billionaire explorer Hamish Harding, French Titanic expert Paul-Henri Nargeolet, OceanGate CEO Stockton Rush, Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood, and his 19-year-old son Sulaiman. 


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