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  4. Tiger attacks calf in viral video, what happens next will leave you stunned. Watch

Tiger attacks calf in viral video, what happens next will leave you stunned. Watch

Nature's beauty and brutality captured in this viral video of a tiger chasing down a calf in an open field.

Written By: Kritika Bansal New Delhi Published on: April 24, 2023 11:06 IST
Tiger attacks calf in viral video
Image Source : TWITTER Tiger attacks calf in viral video

Trending News: Tigers are majestic predators that roam the forests of Asia. Their distinctive orange fur with black stripes, piercing eyes, and powerful build makes them one of the most beautiful animals on earth. But make no mistake, these creatures are deadly hunters. They are known for their stealth, agility, and brute strength, and are capable of taking down prey that is many times their size.

However, the line between predator and prey is blurring in India, where tigers are increasingly encroaching on human habitats. A recent viral video shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Susanta Nanda shows a tiger straying into an open field and attacking a calf. In the video, the tiger chases a group of cows before eventually catching a calf. However, the calf manages to escape after a cow comes to its rescue and charges at the tiger, making the big cat flee. 

The video has since gone viral on social media, garnering more than 146k views and over 2,300 likes. India is home to more than 3,000 tigers, which account for 75% of the world's wild tiger population, the IFS officer informed in his tweet. The nation's efforts in tiger conservation have led to an increase in the population of these big cats. However, with the increase in tiger population, incidents of tigers straying into human habitats are becoming more common.

Watch the viral video of tiger chasing cow calf here: 

The video has also sparked a debate among internet users on the need for tiger conservation and measures to prevent human-animal conflict. One user suggested that growing more forests and controlling human population is the solution to this issue. A user commented, "Agree..3K tigers are a lot..!..just imagine how many will breed in coming 5 years..!...same with leopards.!..more cats= more area!!" Another wrote, "Just wondering.. what if God sees us the same way.... Scary!!"


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