Recently, a video of a Korean family trying Indian food for the first time went viral on the internet. The video was uploaded by Raj, an India-based social media influencer who has lived in Korea for nearly a decade and is married to a Korean woman. He recorded the video for his Instagram account, capturing the moment he introduced his in-laws to one of India's authentic delicacies. In the video, Raj is seen offering his family Aloo matar sabji and puri. His primary intention was to capture his sister-in-law's reaction after tasting the Indian meal.
Raj's sister-in-law express excitement and curiosity when she sees a plate of crispy pooris in front of her, accompanied by a bowl of aloo matar. She attempts to pronounce the names of the dishes and exclaims "looks tasty" in Korean. The video was shared by an account named Subtle Crazy KoreaINKR. The caption of the post reads, "My Korean family trying Indian food."
As she holds a poori in her hand, she looks perplexed and asks, “how do I eat this?” After taking one bite of the dishe, she breaks into smile and calls it “good”. The video ends on a humorous note, with her requesting kimchi and rice, a popular Korean dish.
The video has garnered various likes and comments. One user wrote, ''Indian food means heaven food''. Another said, ''Kimchi is an emotions for Koreans like daal and chawal for us. A third internet user commented, “I love the ways she says poori.”
Watch video here