Anand Mahindra is known for his Twitter antics. The business tycoon often takes to his Twitter to share new and interesting pieces of information with his follows and more often than not it goes viral on the internet. On January 5, Mahindra took to his Twitter to share a hilarious tweet and Twitterati can’t stop ROFLing over the tweet. He shared a picture of menu hoarding of a 'pure vegetarian' restaurant that had 'Veg Fish Fry', 'Veg Mutton Dosa' and 'Veg Chicken Rice'. Wait what? Yes you read it right. Interestingly the menu had 'Pure Veg' and 'Vegetarian Spl' on the top.
Mahindra tweeted the picture with the caption, "An example of how Incredible India really is. For millennia we have known how to harness the power of mind over matter. Veg, Non-Veg, what's the difference? It's all in the mind."
Mahindra's Tweet evoked reactions from the Twitter users who could stop ROFLing. While some also shared their experience of their encounters with such ‘Pure Veg’ chicken and mutton dishes.
So did you ever come across such an interesting menu?
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