Mahindra Group's Chairman Anand Mahindra took to Twitter on Thursday to laud his team for coming up with three types of ventilators to combat the coronavirus outbreak. He had announced earlier that Mahindra Group would start working to explore how the manufacturing plants can make ventilators and they have done it successfully. With a number of confirmed coronavirus cases increasing day by day, the scarcity of cOVID-19 diagnostic test kits and life-saving critical care equipment such as ventilators is becoming a big issue.
Anand Mahindra wrote, "So, so proud of our Kandivali & Igatpuri teams who confined themselves to the factories & without sleep produced this in 48hrs. With humility, we will seek guidance from specialists on the usefulness of the device. Whatever the outcome, they have shown India fights back..."
In another tweet, he informed, "As @GoenkaPk tweeted, we are simultaneously working with an indigenous maker of ICU ventilators. These are sophisticated machines costing between 5 to 10 lakhs. This device is an interim lifesaver & the team estimates it will cost below ₹7,500"
Anand Mahindra has earlier stated that it is highly likely that India is already in Stage 3 of transmission of novel coronavirus and the cases can double, triple which will put huge pressure on the medical infrastructure. He had tweeted, "We need to create scores of temporary hospitals, and we have a scarcity of ventilators. To help is the response to this unprecedented threat, we at Mahindra will immediately work on how our manufacturing facilities can make ventilators."
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